
Our Story
I have been an avid coffee drinker (not a coffee snob!) for my entire adult life. For over 20 years I have enjoyed tens of thousands of cups of coffee and realized that a truly good cup of coffee is pretty rare. In conversations with friends they would talk about “this awesome coffee” they tried on vacation in countries they've visited, but nothing locally came close to comparing. After a lot of time researching and checking our coffee shops I realized I would have to find a way to import those coffees’ and learn how to roast them myself.
Then the global pandemic hit…. And I suddenly had a ton of time to pursue my dream of roasting great coffee. Starting by roasting on a frying pan and eventually after finding an awesome commercial roaster and test roasting hundreds of pounds of coffee I have perfected the art! After testing the waters at a local farmers market to make sure my coffee was enjoyed by complete random strangers I decided to take the plunge and start a business!
I am proud and excited for you to enjoy my coffee!
-Shawn Eyamie
PS: the “lazy dog” is my best friend and most trusted advisor Bandit. Who was literally by my side the entire time I was in the roastery working.